RSForm PRO and Form2Content

compat f2c litecompat f2c pro RSForm (Pro) is a great and popular contact form extension. It can also be integrated into Joomla articles using their rsform plugin. In this example we will show a generic way of adding it to your F2C generated articles.

Basics of including a (contact) form in (F2C) articles.

A form created in RSForms and included via the rsforms plugin into an article works great. There is however a problem that if the same form is shown in many articles the webmaster will want to know in which article the form was submitted. This is solved by including a field and script which calls and submits the article title into the form. Please visit this link to the RSForms documentation (compat icon 1 5)for more info.

This way you can include a GENERIC contact form into all your F2C articles and still know from which page the form was send.

Including the RSForm plugin into the Form2Content template

Including the RSForm plugin into the F2C template is very easy. Simply include:

{ldelim}rsform 1{rdelim}

in the template file where you would like to show it (1 being the rsform ID). Don't forget to install and publish the RSForm plugin!

Custom solution for Form2Content and RSForms

There are many great ways of including/linking information between Form2Content and RSForms. Some examples below. Please contact us if you are interested in custom solutions like these.

1) Attach a (different) F2C document to a mail per article.

2) Include list options from F2C into the RSForm

3) Auto include an e-mail address from F2C form in RSForms

F2C Cheat-sheet

An overview of all template parameters (placeholders for your form data). These are used in your F2C intro and main template to parse the data from your submission forms into the Joomla article.



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