About Form2Content Forms & Fields

Form2Content forms are used to collect data to generate Joomla articles. Each content type has it's own form. Each form can have as many fields as you like. You can access the Fields Manager by clicking on the  in the Content Type Manager. Please read about article templating on how to get the data from the forms into your Joomla article.

Image field (F2C Lite)

Form2Content offers several ways of including uploaded pictures into your article. There are also several settings for re-sizing on upload.

Please note: F2C Pro has some extra settings including thumbnail option!

Image HTML output setting

The HTML output setting 'pastes' the img html tag into the template. i.e. < img src= ... etc />.

Example of an intro template with RAW setting:

< div class="f2c_intro">
< p>{$INTRO_TEXT}< /p>
< /div>
*note there are some extra spaces in the html tags to prevent rendering

Image RAW output setting

The RAW output setting 'pastes' the absolute url of the image location into the template.

Example of an intro template with RAW setting:

< div class="f2c_intro">
< img src= "{$INTRO_IMAGE}" align="right" alt="{$JOOMLA_TITLE}" />
< p>{$INTRO_TEXT}< /p>
< /div>
*note there are some extra spaces in the html tags to prevent rendering

Image location after upload

Uploaded and re-sized images are saved in < root >/images/stories/form2content

Extra Template Parameters for images

There are many situations, most often in combination with Joomla plugins, where it is necessary to present the 'link' to the images in different ways. For this reason there are many template parameters you can use.

Form2Content LITE & PRO

{$< FIELDNAME >} = RAW or HTML output (see above)
{$F2C_IMAGES_PATH_RELATIVE} = Relative path (from images/stories) to the image directory
{$F2C_IMAGES_PATH_ABSOLUTE} = Absolute path (incl. root) to the image directory

Form2Content PRO only

{$< FIELDNAME >_TITLE} = Title of the image
{$< FIELDNAME >_ALT_TEXT} = Alt of the image

{$F2C_IMAGES_THUMBS_PATH_RELATIVE} = Relative path (from images/stories) to the thumbs directory
{$F2C_IMAGES_PATH_THUMBS_ABSOLUTE} = Absolute path (incl. root) to the thumbs directory

{$< FIELDNAME >_PATH_RELATIVE} = Relative url (from images/stories) to the re-sized image

{$< FIELDNAME >_THUMB_URL_RELATIVE} = Relative url (from images/stories) to the re-sized thumb
{$< FIELDNAME >_THUMB_URL_ABSOLUTE} = Absolute url (incl. root) to the re-sized thumb

{$< FIELDNAME >_WIDTH} = Actual width of the re-sized image*
{$< FIELDNAME >_HEIGHT} = Actual height of the re-sized image*

{$< FIELDNAME >_WIDTH_THUMB} = Actual width of the re-sized thumb*
{$< FIELDNAME >_HEIGHT_THUMB} = Actual height of the re-sized thumb*

{$< FIELDNAME >_IMAGE} = The html img tag of the image
{$< FIELDNAME >_RAW} = The URL of the image

*If you need to upgrade to get this feature, the values are only available for newly uploaded images.

Some thing to know regarding (uploading) images

  • Form2Content does not save the original image.

  • There are PHP settings form max. number of allowed uploads and max. file size

  • The max. file size in F2C global setting is per image

  • The max. file size for PHP is for the total upload!!

F2C Cheat-sheet

An overview of all template parameters (placeholders for your form data). These are used in your F2C intro and main template to parse the data from your submission forms into the Joomla article.



Form2Content, a Joomla CCK Documentation © 2010 - 2015 Open Source Design | Powered by Form2Content