F2C Front-end

Front-end article submission using Re-Captcha & required fields

In Form2content PRO it is possible use Re-Captcha in your F2C article submission forms. Now SPAM can be prevented so visitors (guests) can also submit articles! Some tips on configuration settings.

Assuming you have created a Content Type with fields for the submission form follow the these steps.

1) Configure Re-Captcha

2) Activate in Content Type configuration

3) Set default publishing

4) Set required fields

5) Create a (public) menu link to F2C submission form

6) Create a re-direct landing page for after submission

F2C Cheat-sheet

An overview of all template parameters (placeholders for your form data). These are used in your F2C intro and main template to parse the data from your submission forms into the Joomla article.



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